Maven Build Initialization And Discovery Time Breakdown
constructor(@Json(name = "total" ) total: Long, @Json(name = "settings" ) settings: Long, @Json(name = "toolchains" ) toolchains: Long, @Json(name = "other" ) other: Long, @Json(name = "projectDiscovery" ) projectDiscovery: Long? = null)
The elapsed time from the very start of the build to the start of the execution of the first project in milliseconds.
The elapsed time taken to read the settings of the build in milliseconds.
The elapsed time taken to read the toolchain settings of the build in milliseconds.
Any other elapsed time between the start of the build and the start of the execution of the first project in milliseconds.
project Discovery
The elapsed time taken to discover all projects included in the build in milliseconds. null
if the build failed before the project discovery phase.