Package-level declarations


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data class ApiProblem(    @Json(name = "status") val status: Int,     @Json(name = "type") val type: String,     @Json(name = "title") val title: String,     @Json(name = "detail") val detail: String? = null)

Response detailing why a request was rejected. Adheres to the RFC-7807 standard (colloquially known as \"Problem JSON\") for the response format.

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data class BazelAttributes(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "buildStartTime") val buildStartTime: Long,     @Json(name = "buildDuration") val buildDuration: Long,     @Json(name = "bazelVersion") val bazelVersion: String,     @Json(name = "command") val command: String,     @Json(name = "tags") val tags: List<String>,     @Json(name = "values") val propertyValues: List<BuildAttributesValue>,     @Json(name = "links") val links: List<BuildAttributesLink>,     @Json(name = "invocationId") val invocationId: String? = null,     @Json(name = "targetPatterns") val targetPatterns: List<String>? = null,     @Json(name = "exitCode") val exitCode: Int? = null,     @Json(name = "user") val user: String? = null,     @Json(name = "host") val host: String? = null)

The attributes of a Bazel build.

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data class BazelCriticalPath(@Json(name = "actions") val actions: List<BazelCriticalPathActionsInner>? = null)

The reported actions of the critical path.

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data class BazelCriticalPathActionsInner(    @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "category") val category: String,     @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Long)
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data class BazelWorkUnit(@Json(name = "packageName") val packageName: String, @Json(name = "targetName") val targetName: String)

A Bazel work unit.

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data class Build(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "availableAt") val availableAt: Long,     @Json(name = "buildToolType") val buildToolType: String,     @Json(name = "buildToolVersion") val buildToolVersion: String,     @Json(name = "buildAgentVersion") val buildAgentVersion: String,     @Json(name = "models") val models: BuildModels? = null)

A build with common attributes.

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data class BuildAttributesEnvironment(    @Json(name = "operatingSystem") val operatingSystem: String,     @Json(name = "numberOfCpuCores") val numberOfCpuCores: Int,     @Json(name = "jreVersion") val jreVersion: String,     @Json(name = "jvmVersion") val jvmVersion: String,     @Json(name = "jvmMaxMemoryHeapSize") val jvmMaxMemoryHeapSize: Long,     @Json(name = "jvmLocale") val jvmLocale: String,     @Json(name = "username") val username: String? = null,     @Json(name = "jvmCharset") val jvmCharset: String? = null,     @Json(name = "publicHostname") val publicHostname: String? = null,     @Json(name = "localHostname") val localHostname: String? = null,     @Json(name = "localIpAddresses") val localIpAddresses: List<String>? = null)

The environment where the build is executed.

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data class BuildAttributesLink(@Json(name = "label") val label: String, @Json(name = "url") val url: String)

A Build Scan link.

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data class BuildAttributesValue(@Json(name = "name") val name: String, @Json(name = "value") val value: String? = null)

A Build Scan value.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum BuildModelName : Enum<BuildModelName>

Build model names that can be requested when fetching builds.

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data class BuildModelQuery(@Json(name = "availabilityWaitTimeoutSecs") val availabilityWaitTimeoutSecs: Int? = null)
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data class BuildModels(    @Json(name = "gradleAttributes") val gradleAttributes: BuildModelsGradleAttributes? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleTestPerformance") val gradleTestPerformance: BuildModelsGradleTestPerformance? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleBuildCachePerformance") val gradleBuildCachePerformance: BuildModelsGradleBuildCachePerformance? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleProjects") val gradleProjects: BuildModelsGradleProjects? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleNetworkActivity") val gradleNetworkActivity: BuildModelsGradleNetworkActivity? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleArtifactTransformExecutions") val gradleArtifactTransformExecutions: BuildModelsGradleArtifactTransformExecutions? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleDeprecations") val gradleDeprecations: BuildModelsGradleDeprecations? = null,     @Json(name = "gradlePlugins") val gradlePlugins: BuildModelsGradlePlugins? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleResourceUsage") val gradleResourceUsage: BuildModelsGradleResourceUsage? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleBuildProfileOverview") val gradleBuildProfileOverview: BuildModelsGradleBuildProfileOverview? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleConfigurationCache") val gradleConfigurationCache: BuildModelsGradleConfigurationCache? = null,     @Json(name = "gradleDependencies") val gradleDependencies: BuildModelsGradleDependencies? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenAttributes") val mavenAttributes: BuildModelsMavenAttributes? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenTestPerformance") val mavenTestPerformance: BuildModelsMavenTestPerformance? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenBuildCachePerformance") val mavenBuildCachePerformance: BuildModelsMavenBuildCachePerformance? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenModules") val mavenModules: BuildModelsMavenModules? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenDependencyResolution") val mavenDependencyResolution: BuildModelsMavenDependencyResolution? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenPlugins") val mavenPlugins: BuildModelsMavenPlugins? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenResourceUsage") val mavenResourceUsage: BuildModelsMavenResourceUsage? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenBuildProfileOverview") val mavenBuildProfileOverview: BuildModelsMavenBuildProfileOverview? = null,     @Json(name = "mavenDependencies") val mavenDependencies: BuildModelsMavenDependencies? = null,     @Json(name = "bazelAttributes") val bazelAttributes: BuildModelsBazelAttributes? = null,     @Json(name = "bazelCriticalPath") val bazelCriticalPath: BuildModelsBazelCriticalPath? = null,     @Json(name = "npmAttributes") val npmAttributes: BuildModelsNpmAttributes? = null,     @Json(name = "pythonAttributes") val pythonAttributes: BuildModelsPythonAttributes? = null)

Optional requested models associated with the build.

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data class BuildModelsBazelAttributes(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: BazelAttributes? = null)

The attributes of a Bazel build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsBazelCriticalPath(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: BazelCriticalPath? = null)

The critical path of a Bazel build, or a report of a problem encountered.

data class BuildModelsGradleArtifactTransformExecutions(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleArtifactTransformExecutions? = null)

The artifact transform execution list of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleAttributes(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleAttributes? = null)

The attributes of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleBuildCachePerformance(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleBuildCachePerformance? = null)

The build cache performance of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleBuildProfileOverview(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleBuildProfileOverview? = null)

The performance profile overview of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleConfigurationCache(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleConfigurationCache? = null)

The configuration cache result of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleDependencies(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleDependencies? = null)

The dependencies of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleDeprecations(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleDeprecations? = null)

The deprecation list of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleNetworkActivity(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleNetworkActivity? = null)

Information about the network activity of the build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradlePlugins(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradlePlugins? = null)

The plugins applied in a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleProjects(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: List<GradleProject>? = null)

List of Gradle projects, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleResourceUsage(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleResourceUsage? = null)

The resource usage gathered while executing a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsGradleTestPerformance(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: GradleTestPerformance? = null)

Test performance-related metrics of a Gradle build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenAttributes(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenAttributes? = null)

The attributes of a Maven build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenBuildCachePerformance(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenBuildCachePerformance? = null)

The build cache performance of a Maven build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenBuildProfileOverview(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenBuildProfileOverview? = null)

The performance profile overview of a Maven build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenDependencies(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenDependencies? = null)

The dependencies of a Maven build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenDependencyResolution(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenDependencyResolution? = null)

Information about dependency resolution, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenModules(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: List<MavenModule>? = null)

List of Maven modules, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenPlugins(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenPlugins? = null)

The plugins applied in a Maven build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenResourceUsage(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenResourceUsage? = null)

The resource usage gathered while executing a Maven build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsMavenTestPerformance(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: MavenTestPerformance? = null)

Test performance-related metrics of a Maven build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsNpmAttributes(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: NpmAttributes? = null)

The attributes of an npm build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildModelsPythonAttributes(    @Json(name = "problem") val problem: ApiProblem? = null,     @Json(name = "model") val model: PythonAttributes? = null)

The attributes of a python build, or a report of a problem encountered.

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data class BuildQuery(    @Json(name = "models") val models: List<BuildModelName>? = null,     @Json(name = "allModels") val allModels: Boolean? = false,     @Json(name = "availabilityWaitTimeoutSecs") val availabilityWaitTimeoutSecs: Int? = null)
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data class BuildScanIdsByOutcome(    @Json(name = "passed") val passed: List<String>,     @Json(name = "failed") val failed: List<String>,     @Json(name = "skipped") val skipped: List<String>,     @Json(name = "flaky") val flaky: List<String>,     @Json(name = "notSelected") val notSelected: List<String>)

Build Scan IDs for builds that contain tests with outcomes.

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data class BuildsQuery(    @Json(name = "fromInstant") val fromInstant: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "fromBuild") val fromBuild: String? = null,     @Json(name = "reverse") val reverse: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "maxBuilds") val maxBuilds: Int? = null,     @Json(name = "maxWaitSecs") val maxWaitSecs: Int? = null,     @Json(name = "query") val query: String? = null,     @Json(name = "models") val models: List<BuildModelName>? = null,     @Json(name = "allModels") val allModels: Boolean? = false,     @Json(name = "since") val since: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "sinceBuild") val sinceBuild: String? = null)
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data class BuildTestPerformanceTests(@Json(name = "testClassesCount") val testClassesCount: Int)

Test-related data of a build.

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data class CommonDependency(    @Json(name = "scheme") val scheme: String,     @Json(name = "type") val type: String,     @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "namespace") val namespace: String? = null,     @Json(name = "version") val version: String? = null,     @Json(name = "qualifiers") val qualifiers: Map<String, String>? = null,     @Json(name = "subpath") val subpath: String? = null,     @Json(name = "purl") val purl: String? = null)
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data class DevelocityVersion(    @Json(name = "string") val string: String,     @Json(name = "year") val year: Int,     @Json(name = "release") val release: Int,     @Json(name = "patch") val patch: Int)
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data class GradleArtifactTransformAttribute(    @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "from") val from: String,     @Json(name = "to") val to: String)
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data class GradleArtifactTransformExecutionEntry(    @Json(name = "artifactTransformExecutionName") val artifactTransformExecutionName: String,     @Json(name = "transformActionType") val transformActionType: String,     @Json(name = "inputArtifactName") val inputArtifactName: String,     @Json(name = "changedAttributes") val changedAttributes: List<GradleArtifactTransformAttribute>,     @Json(name = "outcome") val outcome: GradleArtifactTransformExecutionEntry.Outcome,     @Json(name = "avoidanceOutcome") val avoidanceOutcome: GradleArtifactTransformExecutionEntry.AvoidanceOutcome,     @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Long,     @Json(name = "fingerprintingDuration") val fingerprintingDuration: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "avoidanceSavings") val avoidanceSavings: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "nonCacheabilityCategory") val nonCacheabilityCategory: GradleArtifactTransformExecutionEntry.NonCacheabilityCategory? = null,     @Json(name = "nonCacheabilityReason") val nonCacheabilityReason: String? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheArtifactSize") val cacheArtifactSize: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheArtifactRejectedReason") val cacheArtifactRejectedReason: GradleArtifactTransformExecutionEntry.CacheArtifactRejectedReason? = null,     @Json(name = "skipReasonMessage") val skipReasonMessage: String? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheKey") val cacheKey: String? = null)
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data class GradleArtifactTransformExecutions(    @Json(name = "artifactTransformExecutions") val artifactTransformExecutions: List<GradleArtifactTransformExecutionEntry>? = null)
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data class GradleAttributes(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "buildStartTime") val buildStartTime: Long,     @Json(name = "buildDuration") val buildDuration: Long,     @Json(name = "gradleVersion") val gradleVersion: String,     @Json(name = "pluginVersion") val pluginVersion: String,     @Json(name = "requestedTasks") val requestedTasks: List<String>,     @Json(name = "hasFailed") val hasFailed: Boolean,     @Json(name = "tags") val tags: List<String>,     @Json(name = "values") val propertyValues: List<BuildAttributesValue>,     @Json(name = "links") val links: List<BuildAttributesLink>,     @Json(name = "develocitySettings") val develocitySettings: GradleDevelocitySettings,     @Json(name = "buildOptions") val buildOptions: GradleBuildOptions,     @Json(name = "environment") val environment: BuildAttributesEnvironment,     @Json(name = "gradleEnterpriseSettings") val gradleEnterpriseSettings: GradleGradleEnterpriseSettings,     @Json(name = "rootProjectName") val rootProjectName: String? = null,     @Json(name = "hasVerificationFailure") val hasVerificationFailure: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "hasNonVerificationFailure") val hasNonVerificationFailure: Boolean? = null)

The attributes of a Gradle build.

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data class GradleBuildCachePerformance(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "buildTime") val buildTime: Long,     @Json(name = "effectiveTaskExecutionTime") val effectiveTaskExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "effectiveWorkUnitExecutionTime") val effectiveWorkUnitExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "serialTaskExecutionTime") val serialTaskExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "serialWorkUnitExecutionTime") val serialWorkUnitExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "serializationFactor") val serializationFactor: Double,     @Json(name = "taskExecution") val taskExecution: List<GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskExecutionEntry>,     @Json(name = "avoidanceSavingsSummary") val avoidanceSavingsSummary: GradleBuildCachePerformanceAvoidanceSavingsSummary,     @Json(name = "taskAvoidanceSavingsSummary") val taskAvoidanceSavingsSummary: GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskAvoidanceSavingsSummary,     @Json(name = "workUnitAvoidanceSavingsSummary") val workUnitAvoidanceSavingsSummary: GradleBuildCachePerformanceWorkUnitAvoidanceSavingsSummary,     @Json(name = "taskFingerprintingSummary") val taskFingerprintingSummary: GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskFingerprintingSummary? = null,     @Json(name = "workUnitFingerprintingSummary") val workUnitFingerprintingSummary: GradleBuildCachePerformanceWorkUnitFingerprintingSummary? = null,     @Json(name = "buildCaches") val buildCaches: GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCaches? = null)

The build cache performance of a Gradle build.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceAvoidanceSavingsSummary(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "ratio") val ratio: Double,     @Json(name = "upToDate") val upToDate: Long,     @Json(name = "localBuildCache") val localBuildCache: Long,     @Json(name = "remoteBuildCache") val remoteBuildCache: Long)

This is deprecated, use taskAvoidanceSavingsSummary instead. A breakdown of avoidance savings.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheLocalInfo(    @Json(name = "isEnabled") val isEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "isPushEnabled") val isPushEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "isDisabledDueToError") val isDisabledDueToError: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "directory") val directory: String? = null)

Information about the local build cache used in the build.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheOverhead(    @Json(name = "uploading") val uploading: Long,     @Json(name = "downloading") val downloading: Long,     @Json(name = "packing") val packing: Long,     @Json(name = "unpacking") val unpacking: Long)

Information about the build cache overhead in this build.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheRemoteInfo(    @Json(name = "isEnabled") val isEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "type") val type: String? = null,     @Json(name = "className") val className: String? = null,     @Json(name = "isPushEnabled") val isPushEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "isDisabledDueToError") val isDisabledDueToError: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "url") val url: String? = null)

Information about the remote build cache used in the build.

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data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCaches(    @Json(name = "local") val local: GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheLocalInfo,     @Json(name = "remote") val remote: GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheRemoteInfo,     @Json(name = "overhead") val overhead: GradleBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheOverhead)

Information about the local and remote build caches used in the build. null if the build cache is globally disabled.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskAvoidanceSavingsSummary(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "ratio") val ratio: Double,     @Json(name = "upToDate") val upToDate: Long,     @Json(name = "localBuildCache") val localBuildCache: Long,     @Json(name = "remoteBuildCache") val remoteBuildCache: Long)

A breakdown of avoidance savings for tasks.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskExecutionEntry(    @Json(name = "taskPath") val taskPath: String,     @Json(name = "taskType") val taskType: String,     @Json(name = "avoidanceOutcome") val avoidanceOutcome: GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskExecutionEntry.AvoidanceOutcome,     @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Long,     @Json(name = "fingerprintingDuration") val fingerprintingDuration: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "avoidanceSavings") val avoidanceSavings: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "nonCacheabilityCategory") val nonCacheabilityCategory: GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskExecutionEntry.NonCacheabilityCategory? = null,     @Json(name = "nonCacheabilityReason") val nonCacheabilityReason: String? = null,     @Json(name = "skipReasonMessage") val skipReasonMessage: String? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheArtifactSize") val cacheArtifactSize: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheArtifactRejectedReason") val cacheArtifactRejectedReason: GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskExecutionEntry.CacheArtifactRejectedReason? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheKey") val cacheKey: String? = null)
data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceTaskFingerprintingSummary(    @Json(name = "count") val count: Int,     @Json(name = "serialDuration") val serialDuration: Long)

A summary of task fingerprinting. Fingerprinted tasks are part of the taskExecution.avoidedTasks or taskExecution.executedTasks, or taskExecution.noSourceTasks buckets. null if Gradle version is <5.0 or Develocity Gradle plugin version is <2.1.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceWorkUnitAvoidanceSavingsSummary(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "ratio") val ratio: Double,     @Json(name = "upToDate") val upToDate: Long,     @Json(name = "localBuildCache") val localBuildCache: Long,     @Json(name = "remoteBuildCache") val remoteBuildCache: Long)

A breakdown of avoidance savings for tasks and artifact transforms.

data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceWorkUnitFingerprintingSummary(    @Json(name = "count") val count: Int,     @Json(name = "serialDuration") val serialDuration: Long)

A summary of task and artifact transform fingerprinting. null if Gradle version is <5.0 or Develocity Gradle plugin version is <2.1.

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data class GradleBuildDaemonJvmMemoryUsage(    @Json(name = "totalGarbageCollectionTime") val totalGarbageCollectionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "memoryPools") val memoryPools: List<MemoryPoolUsage>? = null)

Memory usage stats of the Gradle Daemon JVM while running the build.

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data class GradleBuildOptions(    @Json(name = "configurationOnDemandEnabled") val configurationOnDemandEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "continuousBuildEnabled") val continuousBuildEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "continueOnFailureEnabled") val continueOnFailureEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "daemonEnabled") val daemonEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "dryRunEnabled") val dryRunEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "excludedTasks") val excludedTasks: List<String>,     @Json(name = "maxNumberOfGradleWorkers") val maxNumberOfGradleWorkers: Int,     @Json(name = "offlineModeEnabled") val offlineModeEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "parallelProjectExecutionEnabled") val parallelProjectExecutionEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "refreshDependenciesEnabled") val refreshDependenciesEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "rerunTasksEnabled") val rerunTasksEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "buildCacheEnabled") val buildCacheEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "configurationCacheEnabled") val configurationCacheEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "fileSystemWatchingEnabled") val fileSystemWatchingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "isolatedProjectsEnabled") val isolatedProjectsEnabled: Boolean? = null)

Gradle build options for this build.

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data class GradleBuildProfileOverview(    @Json(name = "breakdown") val breakdown: GradleBuildTimeBreakdown,     @Json(name = "memoryUsage") val memoryUsage: GradleBuildDaemonJvmMemoryUsage? = null)

The performance profile overview of a Gradle build.

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data class GradleBuildTimeBreakdown(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "initialization") val initialization: Long,     @Json(name = "configuration") val configuration: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "execution") val execution: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "endOfBuild") val endOfBuild: Long? = null)

The build time breakdown of a Gradle build.

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data class GradleConfigurationCache(@Json(name = "result") val result: GradleConfigurationCacheResult? = null)

The configuration cache result of a Gradle build. null if configuration cache was not used.

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data class GradleConfigurationCacheLoadResult(@Json(name = "duration") val duration: Long, @Json(name = "hasFailed") val hasFailed: Boolean)

The configuration cache store result of a Gradle build.

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data class GradleConfigurationCacheResult(    @Json(name = "outcome") val outcome: GradleConfigurationCacheResult.Outcome,     @Json(name = "dependencyResolutionDuration") val dependencyResolutionDuration: Long,     @Json(name = "entrySize") val entrySize: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "checkFingerprintDuration") val checkFingerprintDuration: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "store") val store: GradleConfigurationCacheStoreResult? = null,     @Json(name = "load") val load: GradleConfigurationCacheLoadResult? = null,     @Json(name = "missReasons") val missReasons: List<String>? = null)

The configuration cache result of a Gradle build.

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data class GradleConfigurationCacheStoreResult(@Json(name = "duration") val duration: Long, @Json(name = "hasFailed") val hasFailed: Boolean)

The configuration cache store result of a Gradle build.

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data class GradleDependencies(@Json(name = "dependencies") val dependencies: List<GradleDependency>? = null)

Dependencies of a Gradle build. While there are many possible types of dependencies, initial support is for library dependencies of the software. Dependency identifiers are based on the package url (purl) specification.

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data class GradleDependency(    @Json(name = "scheme") val scheme: String,     @Json(name = "type") val type: String,     @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "namespace") val namespace: String? = null,     @Json(name = "version") val version: String? = null,     @Json(name = "qualifiers") val qualifiers: Map<String, String>? = null,     @Json(name = "subpath") val subpath: String? = null,     @Json(name = "purl") val purl: String? = null)
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data class GradleDeprecationEntry(    @Json(name = "summary") val summary: String,     @Json(name = "removalDetails") val removalDetails: String,     @Json(name = "usages") val usages: List<GradleDeprecationUsage>,     @Json(name = "advice") val advice: String? = null,     @Json(name = "documentationUrl") val documentationUrl: String? = null)
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data class GradleDeprecationOwner(    @Json(name = "type") val type: GradleDeprecationOwner.Type,     @Json(name = "location") val location: String? = null)
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data class GradleDeprecations(@Json(name = "deprecations") val deprecations: List<GradleDeprecationEntry>? = null)
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data class GradleDeprecationUsage(    @Json(name = "owner") val owner: GradleDeprecationOwner,     @Json(name = "contextualAdvice") val contextualAdvice: String? = null)
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data class GradleDevelocitySettings(    @Json(name = "backgroundPublicationEnabled") val backgroundPublicationEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "buildOutputCapturingEnabled") val buildOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "fileFingerprintCapturingEnabled") val fileFingerprintCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "testOutputCapturingEnabled") val testOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "resourceUsageCapturingEnabled") val resourceUsageCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "taskInputsFileCapturingEnabled") val taskInputsFileCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null)

Settings for Develocity.

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data class GradleEnterpriseVersion(    @Json(name = "string") val string: String,     @Json(name = "year") val year: Int,     @Json(name = "release") val release: Int,     @Json(name = "patch") val patch: Int)

This object is deprecated, use DevelocityVersion instead.

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data class GradleGradleEnterpriseSettings(    @Json(name = "backgroundPublicationEnabled") val backgroundPublicationEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "buildOutputCapturingEnabled") val buildOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "taskInputsFileCapturingEnabled") val taskInputsFileCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "testOutputCapturingEnabled") val testOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "resourceUsageCapturingEnabled") val resourceUsageCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null)

This property is deprecated, use develocitySettings instead. Settings for Develocity.

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data class GradleNetworkActivity(    @Json(name = "networkRequestCount") val networkRequestCount: Long,     @Json(name = "serialNetworkRequestTime") val serialNetworkRequestTime: Long,     @Json(name = "fileDownloadSize") val fileDownloadSize: Long,     @Json(name = "fileDownloadCount") val fileDownloadCount: Long,     @Json(name = "wallClockNetworkRequestTime") val wallClockNetworkRequestTime: Long? = null)

Information about the network activity of the build. It includes network activity during dependency resolution, java toolchain downloads, etc. For a comprehensive list see the Build Scan.

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data class GradlePlugin(    @Json(name = "className") val className: String,     @Json(name = "projects") val projects: List<String>,     @Json(name = "id") val id: String? = null,     @Json(name = "version") val version: String? = null)
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data class GradlePlugins(@Json(name = "plugins") val plugins: List<GradlePlugin>? = null)
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data class GradleProject(    @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "path") val path: String,     @Json(name = "parent") val parent: Int? = null)

A Gradle project.

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data class GradleResourceUsage(    @Json(name = "totalMemory") val totalMemory: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "total") val total: ResourceUsageBreakdown? = null,     @Json(name = "nonExecution") val nonExecution: ResourceUsageBreakdown? = null,     @Json(name = "execution") val execution: ResourceUsageBreakdown? = null)
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data class GradleTestPerformance(    @Json(name = "tests") val tests: BuildTestPerformanceTests,     @Json(name = "serialTestTasksExecutionTime") val serialTestTasksExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "testAcceleration") val testAcceleration: TestPerformanceBuildTestAcceleration,     @Json(name = "testTasks") val testTasks: List<TestPerformanceTask>)

Test performance metrics of a Gradle build.

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data class GradleWorkUnit(@Json(name = "projectName") val projectName: String, @Json(name = "taskPath") val taskPath: String)

A Gradle work unit.

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data class KeySecretPair(@Json(name = "key") val key: String, @Json(name = "secret") val secret: String)

A Build Cache Node key and secret pair.

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data class MavenAttributes(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "buildStartTime") val buildStartTime: Long,     @Json(name = "buildDuration") val buildDuration: Long,     @Json(name = "mavenVersion") val mavenVersion: String,     @Json(name = "extensionVersion") val extensionVersion: String,     @Json(name = "requestedGoals") val requestedGoals: List<String>,     @Json(name = "hasFailed") val hasFailed: Boolean,     @Json(name = "tags") val tags: List<String>,     @Json(name = "values") val propertyValues: List<BuildAttributesValue>,     @Json(name = "links") val links: List<BuildAttributesLink>,     @Json(name = "develocitySettings") val develocitySettings: MavenDevelocitySettings,     @Json(name = "buildOptions") val buildOptions: MavenBuildOptions,     @Json(name = "environment") val environment: BuildAttributesEnvironment,     @Json(name = "gradleEnterpriseSettings") val gradleEnterpriseSettings: MavenGradleEnterpriseSettings,     @Json(name = "topLevelProjectName") val topLevelProjectName: String? = null,     @Json(name = "hasVerificationFailure") val hasVerificationFailure: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "hasNonVerificationFailure") val hasNonVerificationFailure: Boolean? = null)

The attributes of a Maven build.

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data class MavenBuildCachePerformance(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "buildTime") val buildTime: Long,     @Json(name = "effectiveProjectExecutionTime") val effectiveProjectExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "serialProjectExecutionTime") val serialProjectExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "serializationFactor") val serializationFactor: Double,     @Json(name = "goalExecution") val goalExecution: List<MavenBuildCachePerformanceGoalExecutionEntry>,     @Json(name = "goalFingerprintingSummary") val goalFingerprintingSummary: MavenBuildCachePerformanceGoalFingerprintingSummary,     @Json(name = "avoidanceSavingsSummary") val avoidanceSavingsSummary: MavenBuildCachePerformanceAvoidanceSavingsSummary,     @Json(name = "buildCaches") val buildCaches: MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCaches? = null)

The build cache performance of a Maven build.

data class MavenBuildCachePerformanceAvoidanceSavingsSummary(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "ratio") val ratio: Double,     @Json(name = "localBuildCache") val localBuildCache: Long,     @Json(name = "remoteBuildCache") val remoteBuildCache: Long)

A breakdown of avoidance savings.

data class MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheLocalInfo(    @Json(name = "isEnabled") val isEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "isPushEnabled") val isPushEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "isDisabledDueToError") val isDisabledDueToError: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "directory") val directory: String? = null)

Information about the local build cache used in the build, if it is configured in the build. null if the local build cache is not configured.

data class MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheOverhead(    @Json(name = "uploading") val uploading: Long,     @Json(name = "downloading") val downloading: Long,     @Json(name = "packing") val packing: Long,     @Json(name = "unpacking") val unpacking: Long)

Information about the build cache overhead in this build.

data class MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheRemoteInfo(    @Json(name = "isEnabled") val isEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "isPushEnabled") val isPushEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "isDisabledDueToError") val isDisabledDueToError: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "url") val url: String? = null)

Information about the remote build cache used in the build, if it is configured in the build. null if the remote build cache is not configured.

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data class MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCaches(    @Json(name = "overhead") val overhead: MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheOverhead,     @Json(name = "local") val local: MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheLocalInfo? = null,     @Json(name = "remote") val remote: MavenBuildCachePerformanceBuildCacheRemoteInfo? = null)

Information about the local and remote build caches used in the build, if it is configured in the build. null if the build cache configuration cannot be captured (e.g. very early build failure).

data class MavenBuildCachePerformanceGoalExecutionEntry(    @Json(name = "goalName") val goalName: String,     @Json(name = "mojoType") val mojoType: String,     @Json(name = "goalExecutionId") val goalExecutionId: String,     @Json(name = "goalProjectName") val goalProjectName: String,     @Json(name = "avoidanceOutcome") val avoidanceOutcome: MavenBuildCachePerformanceGoalExecutionEntry.AvoidanceOutcome,     @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Long,     @Json(name = "fingerprintingDuration") val fingerprintingDuration: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "avoidanceSavings") val avoidanceSavings: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "nonCacheabilityCategory") val nonCacheabilityCategory: MavenBuildCachePerformanceGoalExecutionEntry.NonCacheabilityCategory? = null,     @Json(name = "nonCacheabilityReason") val nonCacheabilityReason: String? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheArtifactSize") val cacheArtifactSize: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheArtifactRejectedReason") val cacheArtifactRejectedReason: MavenBuildCachePerformanceGoalExecutionEntry.CacheArtifactRejectedReason? = null,     @Json(name = "cacheKey") val cacheKey: String? = null)
data class MavenBuildCachePerformanceGoalFingerprintingSummary(    @Json(name = "count") val count: Int,     @Json(name = "serialDuration") val serialDuration: Long)

A summary of goal fingerprinting. Fingerprinted goals are part of the goalExecution.avoidedGoals or goalExecution.executedGoals buckets.

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data class MavenBuildExecutionTimeBreakdown(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "goalExecution") val goalExecution: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "endOfBuild") val endOfBuild: Long? = null)

The time breakdown of the execution phase of a Maven build.

data class MavenBuildInitializationAndDiscoveryTimeBreakdown(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "settings") val settings: Long,     @Json(name = "toolchains") val toolchains: Long,     @Json(name = "other") val other: Long,     @Json(name = "projectDiscovery") val projectDiscovery: Long? = null)

The time breakdown of the initialization and discovery phase of a Maven build.

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data class MavenBuildJvmMemoryUsage(    @Json(name = "totalGarbageCollectionTime") val totalGarbageCollectionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "memoryPools") val memoryPools: List<MemoryPoolUsage>? = null)

Memory usage stats of the Maven JVM while running the build.

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data class MavenBuildOptions(    @Json(name = "errorsEnabled") val errorsEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "maxNumberOfThreads") val maxNumberOfThreads: Int,     @Json(name = "nonRecursiveEnabled") val nonRecursiveEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "noSnapshotsUpdatesEnabled") val noSnapshotsUpdatesEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "offlineModeEnabled") val offlineModeEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "updateSnapshotsEnabled") val updateSnapshotsEnabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "batchModeEnabled") val batchModeEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "debugEnabled") val debugEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "failAtEndEnabled") val failAtEndEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "failFastEnabled") val failFastEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "failNeverEnabled") val failNeverEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "laxChecksumsEnabled") val laxChecksumsEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "rerunGoalsEnabled") val rerunGoalsEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "quietEnabled") val quietEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "strictChecksumsEnabled") val strictChecksumsEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "rerunGoals") val rerunGoals: Boolean? = null)

Maven build options for this build.

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data class MavenBuildProfileOverview(    @Json(name = "breakdown") val breakdown: MavenBuildTimeBreakdown,     @Json(name = "memoryUsage") val memoryUsage: MavenBuildJvmMemoryUsage? = null)

The performance profile overview of a Maven build.

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data class MavenBuildTimeBreakdown(    @Json(name = "total") val total: Long,     @Json(name = "initializationAndDiscovery") val initializationAndDiscovery: MavenBuildInitializationAndDiscoveryTimeBreakdown,     @Json(name = "execution") val execution: MavenBuildExecutionTimeBreakdown? = null)

The build time breakdown of a Maven build.

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data class MavenDependencies(@Json(name = "dependencies") val dependencies: List<MavenDependency>? = null)

Dependencies of a Maven build. While there are many possible types of dependencies, initial support is for library dependencies of the software. Dependency identifiers are based on the package url (purl) specification.

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data class MavenDependency(    @Json(name = "scheme") val scheme: String,     @Json(name = "type") val type: String,     @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "namespace") val namespace: String? = null,     @Json(name = "version") val version: String? = null,     @Json(name = "qualifiers") val qualifiers: Map<String, String>? = null,     @Json(name = "subpath") val subpath: String? = null,     @Json(name = "purl") val purl: String? = null)
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data class MavenDependencyResolution(    @Json(name = "serialDependencyResolutionTime") val serialDependencyResolutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "networkRequestCount") val networkRequestCount: Long,     @Json(name = "serialNetworkRequestTime") val serialNetworkRequestTime: Long,     @Json(name = "wallClockNetworkRequestTime") val wallClockNetworkRequestTime: Long,     @Json(name = "fileDownloadSize") val fileDownloadSize: Long,     @Json(name = "fileDownloadCount") val fileDownloadCount: Long)

Information about dependency resolution.

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data class MavenDevelocitySettings(    @Json(name = "backgroundPublicationEnabled") val backgroundPublicationEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "buildOutputCapturingEnabled") val buildOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "fileFingerprintCapturingEnabled") val fileFingerprintCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "goalInputsFileCapturingEnabled") val goalInputsFileCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "testOutputCapturingEnabled") val testOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "resourceUsageCapturingEnabled") val resourceUsageCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null)

Settings for Develocity.

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data class MavenGradleEnterpriseSettings(    @Json(name = "backgroundPublicationEnabled") val backgroundPublicationEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "buildOutputCapturingEnabled") val buildOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "goalInputsFileCapturingEnabled") val goalInputsFileCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "testOutputCapturingEnabled") val testOutputCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null,     @Json(name = "resourceUsageCapturingEnabled") val resourceUsageCapturingEnabled: Boolean? = null)

This property is deprecated, use develocitySettings instead. Settings for Develocity.

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data class MavenModule(    @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "groupId") val groupId: String,     @Json(name = "artifactId") val artifactId: String,     @Json(name = "version") val version: String,     @Json(name = "parent") val parent: Int? = null)

A Maven module.

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data class MavenPlugin(    @Json(name = "groupId") val groupId: String,     @Json(name = "artifactId") val artifactId: String,     @Json(name = "version") val version: String,     @Json(name = "executedGoals") val executedGoals: List<String>,     @Json(name = "modules") val modules: List<String>,     @Json(name = "name") val name: String? = null,     @Json(name = "goalPrefix") val goalPrefix: String? = null,     @Json(name = "requiredMavenVersion") val requiredMavenVersion: String? = null)
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data class MavenPlugins(@Json(name = "plugins") val plugins: List<MavenPlugin>? = null)
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data class MavenResourceUsage(    @Json(name = "totalMemory") val totalMemory: Long? = null,     @Json(name = "total") val total: ResourceUsageBreakdown? = null,     @Json(name = "nonExecution") val nonExecution: ResourceUsageBreakdown? = null,     @Json(name = "execution") val execution: ResourceUsageBreakdown? = null)
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data class MavenTestPerformance(    @Json(name = "tests") val tests: BuildTestPerformanceTests,     @Json(name = "serialTestGoalsExecutionTime") val serialTestGoalsExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "testAcceleration") val testAcceleration: TestPerformanceBuildTestAcceleration,     @Json(name = "testGoals") val testGoals: List<TestPerformanceGoal>)

Test performance metrics of a Maven build.

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data class MavenWorkUnit(    @Json(name = "groupId") val groupId: String,     @Json(name = "artifactId") val artifactId: String,     @Json(name = "goalName") val goalName: String,     @Json(name = "executionId") val executionId: String)

A Maven work unit.

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data class MemoryPoolUsage(    @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "peakMemory") val peakMemory: Long,     @Json(name = "maxMemory") val maxMemory: Long)

Memory usage of a JVM memory pool.

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data class NodeConfiguration(    @Json(name = "enabled") val enabled: Boolean,     @Json(name = "replication") val replication: ReplicationConfiguration? = null)

A Build Cache Node configuration description.

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data class NpmAttributes(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "buildStartTime") val buildStartTime: Long,     @Json(name = "buildDuration") val buildDuration: Long,     @Json(name = "npmVersion") val npmVersion: String,     @Json(name = "npmAgentVersion") val npmAgentVersion: String,     @Json(name = "command") val command: NpmCommand,     @Json(name = "links") val links: List<BuildAttributesLink>,     @Json(name = "tags") val tags: List<String>,     @Json(name = "values") val propertyValues: List<BuildAttributesValue>,     @Json(name = "exitCode") val exitCode: Int? = null,     @Json(name = "nodejsVersion") val nodejsVersion: String? = null,     @Json(name = "user") val user: String? = null,     @Json(name = "host") val host: String? = null)

The attributes of an npm build.

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data class NpmCommand(@Json(name = "command") val command: String, @Json(name = "arguments") val arguments: List<String>? = null)

The command run on an npm build.

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data class PageMetadata(    @Json(name = "number") val number: Int,     @Json(name = "size") val propertySize: Int,     @Json(name = "totalPages") val totalPages: Int,     @Json(name = "totalElements") val totalElements: Int)

Information about the current and available page of elements. Pages are returned from list operations which could contain a lot of elements. One page contains a subset of the available elements. API users can retrieve all pages in order to retrieve all of the available elements.

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data class PageQuery(@Json(name = "pageNumber") val pageNumber: Int? = 0, @Json(name = "pageSize") val pageSize: Int? = null)
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data class Project(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "displayName") val displayName: String? = null,     @Json(name = "description") val description: String? = null)

A project.

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data class ProjectGroup(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "displayName") val displayName: String? = null,     @Json(name = "description") val description: String? = null,     @Json(name = "identityProviderAttributeValue") val identityProviderAttributeValue: String? = null,     @Json(name = "projects") val projects: List<ProjectReference>? = null)

A group of projects that can be assigned to users.

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data class ProjectGroupsPage(@Json(name = "content") val content: List<ProjectGroup>, @Json(name = "page") val page: PageMetadata)

A paged list of project groups.

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data class ProjectReference(@Json(name = "id") val id: String)

A container for a project ID.

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data class ProjectsPage(@Json(name = "content") val content: List<Project>, @Json(name = "page") val page: PageMetadata)

A paged list of projects.

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data class PythonAttributes(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "buildStartTime") val buildStartTime: Long,     @Json(name = "buildDuration") val buildDuration: Long,     @Json(name = "pythonVersion") val pythonVersion: String,     @Json(name = "pythonAgentVersion") val pythonAgentVersion: String,     @Json(name = "command") val command: List<String>,     @Json(name = "links") val links: List<BuildAttributesLink>,     @Json(name = "tags") val tags: List<String>,     @Json(name = "values") val propertyValues: List<BuildAttributesValue>,     @Json(name = "exitCode") val exitCode: Int? = null,     @Json(name = "exception") val exception: String? = null,     @Json(name = "user") val user: String? = null,     @Json(name = "host") val host: String? = null)

The attributes of a python build.

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data class ReplicationConfiguration(@Json(name = "source") val source: String, @Json(name = "preemptive") val preemptive: Boolean)

Cached data replication configuration description. May be null if replication is not configured.

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data class ResourceUsageBreakdown(    @Json(name = "allProcessesCpu") val allProcessesCpu: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "buildProcessCpu") val buildProcessCpu: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "buildChildProcessesCpu") val buildChildProcessesCpu: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "allProcessesMemory") val allProcessesMemory: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "buildProcessMemory") val buildProcessMemory: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "buildChildProcessesMemory") val buildChildProcessesMemory: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "diskReadThroughput") val diskReadThroughput: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "diskWriteThroughput") val diskWriteThroughput: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "networkUploadThroughput") val networkUploadThroughput: ResourceUsageMetric? = null,     @Json(name = "networkDownloadThroughput") val networkDownloadThroughput: ResourceUsageMetric? = null)
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data class ResourceUsageMetric(    @Json(name = "max") val max: Long,     @Json(name = "average") val average: Long,     @Json(name = "median") val median: Long,     @Json(name = "p5") val p5: Long,     @Json(name = "p25") val p25: Long,     @Json(name = "p75") val p75: Long,     @Json(name = "p95") val p95: Long)
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Develocity extension status of a build / work unit: * unavailable - Feature status is unknown (e.g. for older Gradle plugin / Maven extension versions) or feature could not be used due to an unexpected error * disabled - The extension was enabled on none of the tasks in the build / for the task in question * enabled - The extension was enabled on at least one of the tasks in the build / for the task in question**

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data class TestCasesQuery(    @Json(name = "container") val container: String,     @Json(name = "testOutcomes") val testOutcomes: List<TestOutcome>,     @Json(name = "query") val query: String,     @Json(name = "limit") val limit: Int? = 100,     @Json(name = "include") val include: List<TestIncludeFields>? = null)
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data class TestContainersQuery(    @Json(name = "container") val container: String = "*",     @Json(name = "testOutcomes") val testOutcomes: List<TestOutcome>,     @Json(name = "query") val query: String,     @Json(name = "include") val include: List<TestIncludeFields>? = null)
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data class TestDistributionAgentPoolConfiguration(    @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "minimumSize") val minimumSize: Int,     @Json(name = "maximumSize") val maximumSize: Int,     @Json(name = "capabilities") val capabilities: List<String>,     @Json(name = "orderIndex") val orderIndex: Int? = null,     @Json(name = "restrictAccessToProjectGroups") val restrictAccessToProjectGroups: Boolean? = false,     @Json(name = "projectGroupIds") val projectGroupIds: List<String>? = null)

An agent pool configuration.

data class TestDistributionAgentPoolConfigurationWithId(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "minimumSize") val minimumSize: Int,     @Json(name = "maximumSize") val maximumSize: Int,     @Json(name = "orderIndex") val orderIndex: Int,     @Json(name = "capabilities") val capabilities: List<String>,     @Json(name = "restrictAccessToProjectGroups") val restrictAccessToProjectGroups: Boolean? = false,     @Json(name = "projectGroupIds") val projectGroupIds: List<String>? = null)

An agent pool configuration.

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A list of agent pools.

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data class TestDistributionAgentPoolRegistrationKey(@Json(name = "key") val key: String, @Json(name = "description") val description: String? = null)

A Test Distribution pool-specific agent registration key.

data class TestDistributionAgentPoolRegistrationKeyDescription(@Json(name = "description") val description: String? = null)

Optional description of a Test Distribution pool-specific agent registration key.

data class TestDistributionAgentPoolRegistrationKeyPrefix(    @Json(name = "keyPrefix") val keyPrefix: String,     @Json(name = "createdAt") val createdAt: OffsetDateTime,     @Json(name = "description") val description: String? = null,     @Json(name = "lastUsedAt") val lastUsedAt: OffsetDateTime? = null,     @Json(name = "lastUsedBy") val lastUsedBy: String? = null,     @Json(name = "revokedAt") val revokedAt: OffsetDateTime? = null)

A Test Distribution pool-specific agent registration key prefix.

A list of Test Distribution pool-specific agent registration key prefixes.

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data class TestDistributionAgentPoolStatus(    @Json(name = "id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "minimumSize") val minimumSize: Int,     @Json(name = "maximumSize") val maximumSize: Int,     @Json(name = "connectedAgents") val connectedAgents: Int,     @Json(name = "idleAgents") val idleAgents: Int,     @Json(name = "desiredAgents") val desiredAgents: Int)

The status of an agent pool.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum TestIncludeFields : Enum<TestIncludeFields>


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data class TestOrContainer(    @Json(name = "name") val name: String,     @Json(name = "outcomeDistribution") val outcomeDistribution: TestOutcomeDistribution,     @Json(name = "workUnits") val workUnits: List<TestWorkUnit>? = null,     @Json(name = "buildScanIdsByOutcome") val buildScanIdsByOutcome: BuildScanIdsByOutcome? = null)

A test or test container.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum TestOutcome : Enum<TestOutcome>

Values: passed,failed,skipped,flaky,notSelected

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data class TestOutcomeDistribution(    @Json(name = "passed") val passed: Int,     @Json(name = "failed") val failed: Int,     @Json(name = "skipped") val skipped: Int,     @Json(name = "flaky") val flaky: Int,     @Json(name = "notSelected") val notSelected: Int,     @Json(name = "total") val total: Int)

A distribution of outcomes.

data class TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelection(    @Json(name = "usage") val usage: TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelectionUsage,     @Json(name = "simulation") val simulation: TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelectionSimulation? = null)

Predictive Test Selection related data of a build.

Groups data from the three PTS simulation profiles (build level).

data class TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelectionSimulationData(    @Json(name = "wallClockSavingsPotential") val wallClockSavingsPotential: Long,     @Json(name = "serialTimeSavingsPotential") val serialTimeSavingsPotential: Long,     @Json(name = "workUnitFailuresPredictedCount") val workUnitFailuresPredictedCount: Long,     @Json(name = "workUnitFailuresMissedCount") val workUnitFailuresMissedCount: Long,     @Json(name = "avoidableTestClassesCount") val avoidableTestClassesCount: Long,     @Json(name = "unavoidableTestClassesCount") val unavoidableTestClassesCount: Long,     @Json(name = "testClassesCountSelectedDueToInsufficientData") val testClassesCountSelectedDueToInsufficientData: Long)

Data related to a Predictive Test Selection simulation (build level).

data class TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelectionUsage(    @Json(name = "status") val status: TestAccelerationFeatureUsageStatus,     @Json(name = "wallClockSavings") val wallClockSavings: Long?,     @Json(name = "serialTimeSavings") val serialTimeSavings: Long?)

Groups PTS usage data (build level).

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data class TestPerformanceBuildTestAcceleration(    @Json(name = "predictiveTestSelection") val predictiveTestSelection: TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelection,     @Json(name = "testDistribution") val testDistribution: TestPerformanceBuildTestDistribution,     @Json(name = "wallClockSavings") val wallClockSavings: Long?)

Test acceleration data of a build.

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data class TestPerformanceBuildTestDistribution(    @Json(name = "usageStatus") val usageStatus: TestAccelerationFeatureUsageStatus,     @Json(name = "wallClockSavings") val wallClockSavings: Long?)

Test Distribution related data of a build.

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data class TestPerformanceGoal(    @Json(name = "goalPath") val goalPath: String,     @Json(name = "wallClockExecutionTime") val wallClockExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "serialExecutionTime") val serialExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "tests") val tests: WorkUnitTestPerformanceTests,     @Json(name = "testAcceleration") val testAcceleration: TestPerformanceWorkUnitTestAcceleration)

Test goal

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data class TestPerformanceTask(    @Json(name = "taskPath") val taskPath: String,     @Json(name = "wallClockExecutionTime") val wallClockExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "serialExecutionTime") val serialExecutionTime: Long,     @Json(name = "tests") val tests: WorkUnitTestPerformanceTests,     @Json(name = "testAcceleration") val testAcceleration: TestPerformanceWorkUnitTestAcceleration)

Test task

data class TestPerformanceWorkUnitPredictiveTestSelection(    @Json(name = "usage") val usage: TestPerformanceWorkUnitPredictiveTestSelectionUsage,     @Json(name = "simulation") val simulation: TestPerformanceWorkUnitPredictiveTestSelectionSimulation? = null)

Predictive Test Selection related data of a work unit.

Groups data from the three PTS simulation profiles (task/goal level).

data class TestPerformanceWorkUnitPredictiveTestSelectionSimulationData(    @Json(name = "wallClockSavingsPotential") val wallClockSavingsPotential: Long,     @Json(name = "serialTimeSavingsPotential") val serialTimeSavingsPotential: Long,     @Json(name = "avoidableTestClassesCount") val avoidableTestClassesCount: Long,     @Json(name = "unavoidableTestClassesCount") val unavoidableTestClassesCount: Long,     @Json(name = "testClassesCountSelectedDueToInsufficientData") val testClassesCountSelectedDueToInsufficientData: Long,     @Json(name = "failedTestClassesPredictedCount") val failedTestClassesPredictedCount: Long)

Data related to a Predictive Test Selection simulation (task/goal level).

data class TestPerformanceWorkUnitPredictiveTestSelectionUsage(    @Json(name = "status") val status: TestAccelerationFeatureUsageStatus,     @Json(name = "wallClockSavings") val wallClockSavings: Long?,     @Json(name = "serialTimeSavings") val serialTimeSavings: Long?,     @Json(name = "nonSelectedTestClassesCount") val nonSelectedTestClassesCount: Int?)

Predictive Test Selection related data of a work unit.

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data class TestPerformanceWorkUnitTestAcceleration(    @Json(name = "predictiveTestSelection") val predictiveTestSelection: TestPerformanceWorkUnitPredictiveTestSelection,     @Json(name = "testDistribution") val testDistribution: TestPerformanceWorkUnitTestDistribution,     @Json(name = "wallClockSavings") val wallClockSavings: Long?)

Test acceleration data of a work unit.

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data class TestPerformanceWorkUnitTestDistribution(    @Json(name = "usageStatus") val usageStatus: TestAccelerationFeatureUsageStatus,     @Json(name = "wallClockSavings") val wallClockSavings: Long?,     @Json(name = "remoteTestClassesCount") val remoteTestClassesCount: Int? = null)

Test Distribution related data of a work unit.

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data class TestsResponse(@Json(name = "content") val content: List<TestOrContainer>)

A list of test containers or test cases.

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data class TestWorkUnit(    @Json(name = "bazel") val bazel: BazelWorkUnit? = null,     @Json(name = "gradle") val gradle: GradleWorkUnit? = null,     @Json(name = "maven") val maven: MavenWorkUnit? = null)

Contains a work unit. Only one of the properties is set, representing the build tool used for the build.

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data class WorkUnitTestPerformanceTests(    @Json(name = "failedTestClassesCount") val failedTestClassesCount: Int,     @Json(name = "testClassesCount") val testClassesCount: Int)

Test-related data of a task/goal.