Test Performance Task
constructor(@Json(name = "taskPath" ) taskPath: String, @Json(name = "wallClockExecutionTime" ) wallClockExecutionTime: Long, @Json(name = "serialExecutionTime" ) serialExecutionTime: Long, @Json(name = "tests" ) tests: WorkUnitTestPerformanceTests, @Json(name = "testAcceleration" ) testAcceleration: TestPerformanceWorkUnitTestAcceleration)
task Path
The path of the test task
wall Clock Execution Time
The total execution time of the test task in millis. This is the time elapsed between the start and end of the entire test task.
serial Execution Time
The serial execution time of the test task in millis. This is the sum of all serial test class durations and includes the setup and cleanup durations of the test task.
test Acceleration