Test Performance Work Unit Predictive Test Selection Simulation Data
constructor(@Json(name = "wallClockSavingsPotential" ) wallClockSavingsPotential: Long, @Json(name = "serialTimeSavingsPotential" ) serialTimeSavingsPotential: Long, @Json(name = "avoidableTestClassesCount" ) avoidableTestClassesCount: Long, @Json(name = "unavoidableTestClassesCount" ) unavoidableTestClassesCount: Long, @Json(name = "testClassesCountSelectedDueToInsufficientData" ) testClassesCountSelectedDueToInsufficientData: Long, @Json(name = "failedTestClassesPredictedCount" ) failedTestClassesPredictedCount: Long)
wall Clock Savings Potential
The PTS wallclock savings potential in milliseconds.
serial Time Savings Potential
The PTS serial time savings potential in milliseconds.
avoidable Test Classes Count
The number test classes that can be avoided by PTS.
unavoidable Test Classes Count
The number of test classes that cannot be avoided by PTS.
test Classes Count Selected Due To Insufficient Data
The number of test classes that were selected because of insufficient data.
failed Test Classes Predicted Count
The number of test classes with failed prediction.