
@GET(value = "api/project-groups")
abstract suspend fun listProjectGroups(@Query(value = "pageNumber") pageNumber: Int? = 0, @Query(value = "pageSize") pageSize: Int? = null): ProjectGroupsPage

Lists project groups. <mark>Beta:</mark> Returns a list of all project groups. If there are a lot of project groups, then all pages will need to be retrieved in order to retrieve the full list of project groups. The default number of project groups per page is 100. Responses:

  • 200: A list of project groups.

  • 403: The authenticated user has insufficient permissions.

  • 404: No API key was specified in the request, the key has been revoked, or the user bearing the key lacks permissions for this operation.





The index of the page to retrieve. The first page's index is zero. (optional, default to 0)


The maximum number of elements to include in the fetched page. (optional)