data class Build(@Json(name = "id" ) val id: String, @Json(name = "availableAt" ) val availableAt: Long, @Json(name = "buildToolType" ) val buildToolType: String, @Json(name = "buildToolVersion" ) val buildToolVersion: String, @Json(name = "buildAgentVersion" ) val buildAgentVersion: String, @Json(name = "models" ) val models: BuildModels? = null)
A build with the common attributes of a Build Scan.
The Build Scan ID.
available At
A unix-epoch-time in milliseconds referring to the instant that Develocity completed receiving and processing the build.
build Tool Type
The build tool type used to capture the Build Scan.
build Tool Version
The build tool version used.
build Agent Version
The build agent version used.
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constructor(@Json(name = "id" ) id: String, @Json(name = "availableAt" ) availableAt: Long, @Json(name = "buildToolType" ) buildToolType: String, @Json(name = "buildToolVersion" ) buildToolVersion: String, @Json(name = "buildAgentVersion" ) buildAgentVersion: String, @Json(name = "models" ) models: BuildModels? = null)