
@POST(value = "api/test-distribution/agent-pools")
abstract suspend fun createTestDistributionAgentPool(@Body testDistributionAgentPoolConfiguration: TestDistributionAgentPoolConfiguration): TestDistributionAgentPoolConfigurationWithId

Create an Agent Pool. Create a new Agent Pool in Develocity. The orderIndex element is optional and can be used to specify the priority order in which the Agent Pool is considered. When not specified, the Agent Pool will be added last. When specified, the Agent Pool will be added at the specified index and all other Agent Pools will be moved down. If the specified index is out of bounds, the Agent Pool will be added last with the orderIndex adjusted accordingly. Responses:

  • 200: A new Agent Pool was created with the configuration specified in the request.

  • 400: The request body is malformed or contains invalid values for at least one of the properties.

  • 403: The authenticated user has insufficient permissions.

  • 404: No API key was specified in the request, the key has been revoked or the user bearing the key lacks permissions for this operation.



