
data class GradleBuildCachePerformanceWorkUnitAvoidanceSavingsSummary(@Json(name = "total") val total: Long, @Json(name = "ratio") val ratio: Double, @Json(name = "upToDate") val upToDate: Long, @Json(name = "localBuildCache") val localBuildCache: Long, @Json(name = "remoteBuildCache") val remoteBuildCache: Long)

A breakdown of avoidance savings for tasks and artifact transforms.



The estimated reduction in serial execution time of the work units due to their outputs being reused in milliseconds.


The ratio of the total avoidance savings against the potential serial execution time (which is the actual serial execution time plus the total avoidance savings). Quantifies the effect of avoidance savings in this build. The bigger the ratio is, the more time is saved when running the build.


The estimated reduction in serial execution time of the work units due to build incrementalism in milliseconds.


The estimated reduction in serial execution time of the work units due to their outputs being reused from the local build cache in milliseconds.


The estimated reduction in serial execution time of the work units due to their outputs being reused from the remote build cache in milliseconds.


constructor(@Json(name = "total") total: Long, @Json(name = "ratio") ratio: Double, @Json(name = "upToDate") upToDate: Long, @Json(name = "localBuildCache") localBuildCache: Long, @Json(name = "remoteBuildCache") remoteBuildCache: Long)


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val total: Long
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