Test Performance Build Test Acceleration
data class TestPerformanceBuildTestAcceleration(@Json(name = "predictiveTestSelection" ) val predictiveTestSelection: TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelection, @Json(name = "testDistribution" ) val testDistribution: TestPerformanceBuildTestDistribution, @Json(name = "wallClockSavings" ) val wallClockSavings: Long?)
Test acceleration data of a build.
predictive Test Selection
test Distribution
wall Clock Savings
The wall-clock savings in milliseconds, which can be negative. Negative values indicate that it took more time to make the test acceleration requests, than it would have taken to directly execute the tests.
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constructor(@Json(name = "predictiveTestSelection" ) predictiveTestSelection: TestPerformanceBuildPredictiveTestSelection, @Json(name = "testDistribution" ) testDistribution: TestPerformanceBuildTestDistribution, @Json(name = "wallClockSavings" ) wallClockSavings: Long?)