The attributes of a Maven build.
The Build Scan ID.
The time when the build starts, as milliseconds since Epoch.
The duration of the build, as milliseconds.
The Maven version used.
The Develocity Maven extension version used.
The list of requested goals.
True when the build fails, false otherwise.
The list of Build Scan tags.
The list of Build Scan values.
The list of Build Scan links.
The top level project name. null
in case of very early build failure.
Set only if the build fails: true when the build has at least one failure classified as \"Verification\", false otherwise. The Verification classification is meant for failures that are expected within a standard application development lifecycle. They typically represent a problem with the developer’s inputs to the build such as the source code.
Set only if the build fails: true when the build has at least one failure classified as \"Non-verification\", false otherwise. The Non-verification classification is meant for failures that are typically not expected within a standard application development lifecycle, such as build configuration failures, dependency resolution failures, and infrastructure failures.