
data class GradleDeprecationOwner(@Json(name = "type") val type: GradleDeprecationOwner.Type, @Json(name = "location") val location: String? = null)



The type of the deprecation owner: * plugin - The owner of the deprecation is a plugin. * script - The owner of the deprecation is a script. * task - The owner of the deprecation is a task. * unknown - Unknown deprecation owner type when none of the other options match.


The location of the deprecation usage. Can be a plugin id, task path, script file path, script URI. null if the owner type is unknown.


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constructor(@Json(name = "type") type: GradleDeprecationOwner.Type, @Json(name = "location") location: String? = null)


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = false)
enum Type : Enum<GradleDeprecationOwner.Type>

The type of the deprecation owner: * plugin - The owner of the deprecation is a plugin. * script - The owner of the deprecation is a script. * task - The owner of the deprecation is a task. * unknown - Unknown deprecation owner type when none of the other options match.


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val location: String? = null
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