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@PUT(value = "api/build-cache/nodes/{name}")
abstract suspend fun createOrUpdateBuildCacheNode(@Path(value = "name") name: String, @Body nodeConfiguration: NodeConfiguration)

Create or update a Build Cache Node. Create a new Build Cache Node in Develocity or update the configuration of an existing one. The Built-in Build Cache Node cannot be named as the target of this operation. Responses:

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@GET(value = "api/build-cache/nodes/{name}")
abstract suspend fun getBuildCacheNode(@Path(value = "name") name: String): NodeConfiguration

View the configuration of a Build Cache Node. View the enablement status and replication configuration of a Build Cache Node. Responses:

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@POST(value = "api/build-cache/nodes/{name}/purge")
abstract suspend fun initiatePurgeOfBuildCacheNode(@Path(value = "name") name: String)

Deletes all entries from a Build Cache Node. Triggers the deletion of all entries stored at the named Build Cache Node. Responses:

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@POST(value = "api/build-cache/nodes/{name}/secret")
abstract suspend fun regenerateSecretOfBuildCacheNode(@Path(value = "name") name: String): KeySecretPair

Regenerate the secret of a Build Cache Node. Regenerates the secret associated with the named Build Cache Node. The old secret expires immediately, causing the Build Cache Node to disconnect from Develocity. The Built-in Build Cache Node cannot be named as the target of this operation. Responses: