Test Containers Query
data class TestContainersQuery(@Json(name = "container" ) val container: String = "*", @Json(name = "testOutcomes" ) val testOutcomes: List<TestOutcome>, @Json(name = "query" ) val query: String, @Json(name = "include" ) val include: List<TestIncludeFields>? = null)
Allows restricting the search to parts of the test container hierarchy. You can use wildcards to match a specific subpackage.
test Outcomes
Allows restricting the search to tests that had at least one instance of the given outcome.
A query for filtering tests, written in the Develocity advanced search query language See: https://gradle.com/help/advanced-search
Controls which optional fields are included in the response.
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constructor(@Json(name = "container" ) container: String = "*", @Json(name = "testOutcomes" ) testOutcomes: List<TestOutcome>, @Json(name = "query" ) query: String, @Json(name = "include" ) include: List<TestIncludeFields>? = null)