
data class Config(val logLevel: String = env["DEVELOCITY_API_LOG_LEVEL"] ?: systemProperties.logLevel ?: "off", val apiUrl: String = env["DEVELOCITY_API_URL"] ?: error(ERROR_NULL_API_URL), val apiToken: () -> String = { env["DEVELOCITY_API_TOKEN"] ?: error(ERROR_NULL_API_TOKEN) }, val clientBuilder: OkHttpClient.Builder = basicOkHttpClient.newBuilder(), val maxConcurrentRequests: Int? = env["DEVELOCITY_API_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS"]?.toInt(), val readTimeoutMillis: Long = env["DEVELOCITY_API_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS"]?.toLong() ?: 60_000L, val cacheConfig: Config.CacheConfig = CacheConfig())(source)

Library configuration options.


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constructor(logLevel: String = env["DEVELOCITY_API_LOG_LEVEL"] ?: systemProperties.logLevel ?: "off", apiUrl: String = env["DEVELOCITY_API_URL"] ?: error(ERROR_NULL_API_URL), apiToken: () -> String = { env["DEVELOCITY_API_TOKEN"] ?: error(ERROR_NULL_API_TOKEN) }, clientBuilder: OkHttpClient.Builder = basicOkHttpClient.newBuilder(), maxConcurrentRequests: Int? = env["DEVELOCITY_API_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS"]?.toInt(), readTimeoutMillis: Long = env["DEVELOCITY_API_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS"]?.toLong() ?: 60_000L, cacheConfig: Config.CacheConfig = CacheConfig())


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data class CacheConfig(val cacheEnabled: Boolean = env["DEVELOCITY_API_CACHE_ENABLED"].toBoolean(), val cacheDir: File = env["DEVELOCITY_API_CACHE_DIR"]?.let(::File) ?: run { val userHome = checkNotNull(systemProperties.userHome) { ERROR_NULL_USER_HOME } File(userHome, ".develocity-api-kotlin-cache") }, val maxCacheSize: Long = env["DEVELOCITY_API_MAX_CACHE_SIZE"]?.toLong() ?: 1_000_000_000L, val longTermCacheUrlPattern: Regex = env["DEVELOCITY_API_LONG_TERM_CACHE_URL_PATTERN"]?.toRegex() ?: Regex( """ .*/api/builds/[\d\w]+/(?:gradle|maven)-(?:attributes|build-cache-performance) """.trimIndent() ), val longTermCacheMaxAge: Long = env["DEVELOCITY_API_SHORT_TERM_CACHE_MAX_AGE"]?.toLong() ?: 365.days.inWholeSeconds, val shortTermCacheUrlPattern: Regex = env["DEVELOCITY_API_SHORT_TERM_CACHE_URL_PATTERN"]?.toRegex() ?: """.*/builds(?:\?.*|\Z)""".toRegex(), val shortTermCacheMaxAge: Long = env["DEVELOCITY_API_SHORT_TERM_CACHE_MAX_AGE"]?.toLong() ?: 1.days.inWholeSeconds)

HTTP cache is off by default, but can speed up requests significantly. The Develocity API disallows HTTP caching, but this library forcefully enables it by overwriting cache-related headers in API responses. Enable with cacheEnabled.


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val apiToken: () -> String

Provides the access token for a Develocity API instance. By default, uses environment variable DEVELOCITY_API_TOKEN.

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Provides the URL of a Develocity API instance REST API. By default, uses environment variable DEVELOCITY_API_URL. Must end with /api/.

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val clientBuilder: OkHttpClient.Builder

OkHttpClient.Builder to use when building the library's internal OkHttpClient.

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Changes minimum log level for library classes, including the HTTP client, when using slf4j-simple (bundled with the library). If replacing SLF4J bindings, this setting has no effect, and log level must be changed in the chosen logging framework.

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Maximum amount of concurrent requests allowed. Further requests will be queued. By default, uses environment variable DEVELOCITY_API_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS or 5 (OkHttp's default value of Dispatcher.maxRequestsPerHost).

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Timeout for reading an API response, used for OkHttpClient.readTimeoutMillis. By default, uses environment variable DEVELOCITY_API_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS or 60_000. Keep in mind that Develocity API responses can be big and slow to send depending on the endpoint.