Test Performance Work Unit Predictive Test Selection Usage
data class TestPerformanceWorkUnitPredictiveTestSelectionUsage(@Json(name = "status" ) val status: TestAccelerationFeatureUsageStatus, @Json(name = "wallClockSavings" ) val wallClockSavings: Long?, @Json(name = "serialTimeSavings" ) val serialTimeSavings: Long?, @Json(name = "nonSelectedTestClassesCount" ) val nonSelectedTestClassesCount: Int?)
Predictive Test Selection related data of a work unit.
wall Clock Savings
The wall-clock savings in milliseconds, which can be negative. Negative values indicate that it took more time to make the Predictive Test Selection request, than it would have taken to directly execute the tests.
serial Time Savings
The serial time savings in milliseconds. This is the sum of test duration estimates from not selected test classes.
non Selected Test Classes Count
The number of test classes that have not been selected by Predictive Test Selection. Null if Predictive Test Selection was disabled / unavailable.